
¿Qué es una familia subsidiaria?

Una familia subsidiaria es aquella que recibe ayuda económica del gobierno, familia u otras instituciones para cubrir algunas de sus necesidades básicas. Estos subsidios están diseñados para apoyar a las familias con bajos ingresos y mejorar su calidad de vida.

What is a subsidized family?

A subsidized family is one that receives financial assistance from the government, family, or other institutions to meet some of their basic needs. These subsidies are designed to support low-income families and improve their quality of life.

Información de la Familia Solicitante/Applicant Family Information

Requisito de Participación de Referido en Estados Unidos / Participation Requirement of Referral in the United States

14. Dirección del Referido en Estados Unidos: (Ciudad, Estado, Código Postal) / Address of Referral in the United States: (City, State, Zip Code)

Detalles de la Cita en Estados Unidos / Details of the Appointment in the United States

(A completar por el equipo administrativo en USA) / (To be completed by the administrative team in the USA)

Compromiso con la Sostenibilidad y el Medio Ambiente / Commitment to Sustainability and the Environment

Confirmo que me comprometo a promover activamente el abandono del uso de agua embotellada en plástico desechable dentro de mi comunidad. Esto incluye educar a amigos, vecinos y familiares sobre los beneficios de usar sistemas de filtración de agua y su impacto positivo en el medio ambiente.

I confirm that I commit to actively promoting the abandonment of disposable plastic bottled water use within my community. This includes educating friends, neighbors, and family about the benefits of using water filtration systems and their positive impact on the environment.

Beneficios Esperados / Expected Benefits

¿Por qué está interesado/a en recibir un sistema de filtración de agua? (Seleccione todas las que apliquen) / Why are you interested in receiving a water filtration system? (Select all that apply)

Adjuntar Documentación / Attach Documentation

● Fotocopia de la cédula del solicitante principal / Copy of the primary applicant's ID.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
¿Que es una familia embajadora? / What is an ambassador family?

Una familia embajadora es aquella que, tras haber recibido un subsidio, desea compartir su experiencia y ayudar a otras familias o personas interesadas en obtener contactos en Estados Unidos. Al hacerlo, esta familia no solo contribuye a la comunidad, sino que también puede recibir beneficios adicionales por sus referencias. Para participar en este programa, solo necesita solicitar el

Formulario de Recomendación.

An ambassador family is one that, after receiving a subsidy, wants to share their experience and help other families or individuals interested in obtaining contacts in the United States. By doing so, this family not only contributes to the community but may also receive additional benefits for their referrals. To participate in this program, you only need to request the Referral Form.

Etapas de aplicación / Application Stages

  • ● Solicitud Enviada / Application Sent
  • ● Solicitud Recibida / Application Received
  • ● Solicitud en Revisión / Application Under Review
  • ● Intento de Comunicación con la Familia en EE. UU. / Attempt to Contact Family in
    the U.S.
  • ● Análisis del agua en EE. UU. Programado / Scheduled Water Analysis in the U.S.
  • ● Instalación en EE. UU. Programada / Scheduled Installation in the U.S.
  • ● Rescheduled Installation in the US
  • ● Installation in the US Completed / Completed Installation in the US
  • ● Subsidy Approval Review
  • ● Subsidy Approved / Subsidy Approved
  • ● Subsidy Denied
  • ● Installation in RD Approved / Installation in RD Approved
  • ● Installation in RD Assigned / Installation in RD Assigned
  • ● Installation in RD Completed / Installation in RD Completed
  • ● Subsidy in RD Completed / Subsidy in RD Completed
Clear Signature

Evaluation (To be completed by the administrative team in the USA) / Evaluation (To be completed by the administrative team in the USA)

This form reflects the additional details required, including the complete information of the friend or family member in the United States and the appointment details for the water evaluation, as well as the installation date.